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Mix Wool, Cotton & Polyester Stock

Location : Ludhiana, Punjab
Quantity : 0.6 MT
Product Specifications
Condition : Fire Affected
Description : e- Auction for Fire Affected Approx. 600 Kgs Mix Wool, Cotton & Polyester Stock lying at M/s. Winning Industries, Village- Koom Kalan, Machiwara Road, Kohara, Ludhiana, Punjab-141112 Contact : Mr. Kunal Arora - 8872800008, 9814108000
Product Pricing
Starting Price : 2000 per MT
Minimum Increment : 100 per MT
CMD Amount : 500
Contact Person Details
Name : Mamta Sehrawat
Contact : 7015209970
Terms & Conditions
"AS IS WHERE IS, WHATEVER THERE IS BASIS". Highest bidder will be asked to deposit 10% of total salvage value as per his bid as EMD. After getting the e EMD only we will forward his/her/their offer to the authority for consideration. On receipt of the approval, we will ask Seller to provide the Delivery Order, on receipt of the DO, Highest bidder will be asked to start the lifting against advance payments. Bid value will be valid for 20 days from date of deposit of EMD, if we will not able to provide DO withing that period, Buyer may withdraw his interest and will get his EMD refund.